Product / Industry Specific Service

Each product and Industry has unique service needs that are different from each other. Some products may need component level repair, some may need module-level repair and some may need just the unit to be swapped with a new one. Standing out as a bespoke B2B service provider, we bring to you industry-specific services that are formulated and designed to cater to the special needs of the product. Backed by ISO 9001; 2015 certified quality systems & processes, our services leverage best practices from different industries to deliver efficiency in operation and achieve better Customer Experience.

With the specific skillset, tools and other infrastructure required to support different products, we build SOPs, train the technicians on the repair process and continuously monitor and improve their productivity to deliver the service-level agreement KPIs. Repair processes and KPIs are monitored from start to end through IT Tools with real-time data for monitoring and improving the performance.